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Lina Nelson

Business Mentor

Lifestyle Coach

Yoga Instructor

Dive Master





A Bit About Me

Mentorship Offerings

1:1 Coaching Calls

Weekly Mastermind Team Calls

Training Platform & Facebook Community Support Groups

I am available to have weekly coaching calls with you to talk strategy, divise an action plan that is authentic to you, to overcome limiting beliefs, and to hold you accountable for whatever it is that you want to create for yourself. 

You automatically become a member of several different communities, all of which hold weekly mastermind calls from leaders in the community that provide incredible amounts of value to help you stay inspired, motivated, and educated.

Professionally done training platform that has all the information you need to get a solid jump start on your business. Access to four different community Facebook groups that have thousands of distributors where you can find testimonies, ask questions, and find loads of resources.

24/7 Support and Guided Coaching Calls

Gain skills in attraction-based marketing with easily replicable income producing activites

Exclusive Work Retreats

You will have a private 3-way group chat with me and my mentor as well as a group chat exclusive to my downline. These are safe spaces to express dreams, ideas, fears, and anything else that comes up for you along this journey that you may need guidance and support with.

No need to have experience in sales when you join. We teach you everything you need to know so that you never sound "salesy" and you always feel good about the work you are doing. We teach genuine connection techniques for both online and offline sales. 

One thing that everyone on my team has in common is that we love to travel. We are planning an exclusive retreat in the Galapagos Islands (where I and some of my best friends on this team live) for the near future. And what's better than spending time with rad people in one of the most beautiful places in the world? The whole trip will be tax deductible since you have your own business. Oh yeah, baby, it just gets better from here! 

follow my journey on social media

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